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State Fund for Support of Youth Housing Construction Conducts a Skype Conference with the United Nations

State Fund for Support of Youth Housing Construction Conducts a Skype Conference with the United Nations

Today Chairman of the Board of the State Youth Fund has conducted a skype conference with Agata Krause, Consultant, UN-Habitat/UNECE.

The topic of communication has been the discussion of current state of implementation and providing monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals in Ukraine, as well as key tendencies influencing housing market in our state.

The Chairman of the Fund’s Board is a member of the Interdepartmental working group of coordination of processes of implementation and provision of monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals in Ukraine. State Fund for Support of Youth Housing Construction in the framework of execution of state and municipal housing programs ensures implementation of Goal 11 – Sustainable development of cities and communities, in particular, task 11.1 – to ensure affordable housing by creating and implementing affordable mortgage loans, namely, there is the state program of ensuring youth with housing, regional programs of privileged mortgage crediting.

Serhii Komnatnyi emphasized that National Report Sustainable Development Goals: Ukraine mentioned that institution of social or temporary housing in our country wasn’t formed and the market of rental housing was undeveloped and nontransparent.

The participants of the dialogue discussed tasks to be fulfilled for increasing affordability of housing for Ukrainians:

 - To improve legislation aimed at widening of possibilities of access of citizens to affordable and decent housing (to adopt new Housing Code of Ukraine, to update the Concept of the state housing policy of 1995, to draft new Law of Ukraine on the Strategy of the State Housing Policy of Ukraine for the period up to 2030, to adopt the Law of Ukraine on Rental Houses, to develop new social and housing programmes taking into account best world experience);

- To create conditions for financial provision of mechanisms of housing programs;

- To facilitate cooperation with European financial institutes with the aim of development and implementation of affordable loan programmes for the support of projects of ensuring housing to Ukrainian citizens.

They also discussed the peculiarities, which influenced housing market in Ukraine most of all, tendencies in this sphere and other issues.